The Best Food For Achieving and Maintaining Your Dog’s Healthiest Weight

Journalism, PR

Published in The Farmer’s Dog Digest

Keeping your dog at an ideal weight is one of the best ways to improve their chances of a healthier, happier life. 

Excess weight is, sadly, a leading health problem among companion dogs in the United States—research shows that more than half of all such dogs are overweight or obese. For a dog, being overweight comes with significant health consequences; it’s linked to ailments including arthritis, chronic kidney disease, bladder and urinary tract disease, liver disease, diabetes, heart failure, high blood pressure, and cancer. 

On the other end of the spectrum, a dog who doesn’t get enough food may miss out on nutrients that are crucial for their day-to-day energy and long-term well-being. 

Food, of course, plays a massive role in helping dogs lose and gain weight. Below, we walk you through how to tell if your dog is at a healthy weight, and what to do (including what to feed them) if they need to gain or lose pounds.

Is your dog overweight? How to tell, and what to do if they are

Not only does excess weight mean that your dog might be lethargic and unable to live their happiest, most active life; it can seriously affect your dog’s health and longevity. Research shows that maintaining a lean body weight can increase lifespan by up to two and a half years in dogs. 

Don’t rely on gut feeling alone when trying to determine if your dog is overweight. Even a few extra pounds can make a difference to their health, so be sure to keep an eye on their weight and discuss their ideal weight and body condition with your vet care team. And keep in mind that “target” or “goal” weight isn’t the only metric to use when determining if your dog is in their healthiest shape. Since individual genetic makeup, age, activity level, spay/neuter status, and other factors can significantly impact a dog’s ideal adult weight, it’s important to evaluate your dog’s overall body condition. There’s a scale that vets use to assess a dog’s body condition, and you can give it a try at home.

When you’re looking at your dog, note these indicators: 

  • Does your dog have a slight hourglass shape when you stand above them and look down?
  • Do they have an abdominal “tuck” where their belly slopes upward to meet their hind legs? (You may have to feel for this on a shaggy dog)
  • Can you easily feel their ribs?

If you find yourself answering no to most of these questions, there is a good chance your dog is overweight. An overweight dog will have more of a straight or barrel-like shape when you look at them from above, and you’ll notice significant padding when feeling for their ribs.

If you suspect that your dog may be overweight, it’s important to speak with your vet to get to the bottom of the situation. They’re best qualified to confirm that your dog has an issue—and, if they do, help make a plan to address it. A vet can also investigate whether weight gain is due to an underlying health condition like hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease. 

The best food for your overweight dog

Portions are key

As Ernie Ward, DVM, founder of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), told us, “Weight loss for humans and dogs is 60–70% diet and 30–40% exercise.” This means that overfeeding can lead to obesity even for an active dog.

Given the importance of your dog’s weight, and the slim margins between ideal and overweight body conditions, portion accuracy is critical. Instructions on the back of a bag of kibble provide broad weight ranges that correspond to cups or scoops. But every dog is different, and those vague portion guidelines don’t take into account your dog’s unique needs. To better tailor your dog’s portions, you need to know how many calories they require each day. That depends on factors like: 

  • Body condition: Is your dog thin or rounded?
  • Spay/neuter status: Being spayed or neutered can reduce a dog’s energy requirements
  • Activity level: Is your dog on the go all day? Or do they just get a few walks?

A fresh food plan from The Farmer’s Dog takes the guesswork out of portions by factoring in information like current weight, life stage, body condition, spay/neuter status, treats, and more.

Digestibility and food quality

Feeding your dog nutrient-dense and digestible food is important as you reduce overall food intake. Fresh, whole food from The Farmer’s Dog is highly digestible, meaning that your dog’s body is able to properly absorb the food’s nutrients. It’s gently cooked at relatively low temperatures, preserving more of the food’s nutritional value—unlike most kibble, which goes through multiple rounds of high-heat processing that make it less digestible. Our fresh, human-grade food is also rich in high-quality protein, moisture, and fiber, all of which help dogs feel full.

Treat your dog (but not too much)

It can be hard to say no to those puppy-dog eyes come treat time, but too many treats can add up—especially when they’re packed with sweeteners, starchy fillers and various “gums.” It’s important to count your dog’s daily treats as part of their overall food intake; treats should make up no more than 10% of their total daily calories.

Snap Sticks from The Farmer’s Dog are a great way to build treats right into your dog’s food plan. These easily portioned treats are made with only four simple ingredients, and are a great way to reward your dog while keeping their specific weight goals in mind.  

Get physical

The other key piece to helping your dog lose weight is getting them active, but doing so carefully. New activities should always be introduced slowly to reduce the risk of injury.

Exercising your dog’s mind, body, and sense of smell on regular walks is a great place to start—just a few short walks a day can make a big difference. These can be gradually increased; an hour a day of exercise is a good target for many breeds. 

Is your dog underweight? How to tell, and what to do if they are

While excess weight is a health threat, being underweight is also dangerous for a dog. Dogs who are underweight aren’t getting the right nourishment, which can lead to health issues like reduced immunity, heart disease, and slow wound healing. If you think your dog may be underweight, ask yourself these questions: 

  • Are their ribs clearly visible when you’re looking at them from a distance? If they have thick or long fur, does their rib cage feel bony with little to no fat?
  • Are their hip bones and spine clearly visible? 
  • Do they have an exaggerated hourglass figure and abdominal tuck? 
  • Do they seem lethargic and lack the energy to go on walks and do things they typically enjoy? 

If the answer to these questions is yes, your dog is probably underweight. If not, they may be at a healthy weight—if you aren’t sure, talk with your vet. In addition to confirming that your dog is actually underweight, another benefit of speaking with your veterinarian is the possibility of ruling out or identifying an underlying health condition that might be causing weight loss. Some of these conditions can be serious and require treatment.

The best food for your underweight dog

If your dog’s weight isn’t where it needs to be, look at what is (or isn’t) in their food bowl. The right portions of digestible and nutrient-rich fresh food can be a big help in getting a dog back to a healthy weight and ideal body condition. 

Check their portions

Just as those one-size-fits-all feeding tables on the back of a bag of kibble can lead to overfeeding, they can also lead to underfeeding.

A fresh food plan from The Farmer’s Dog comes pre-portioned for your dog’s nutritional needs and weight goals. You can add updated information to their profile—noting changes to their weight, body condition, and activity level, for example—and receive new portioning recommendations as your pup’s needs change.

Know what’s in their food

Weight loss can also be an indication that your dog isn’t getting the right balance of key nutrients. It’s crucial that anything you’re feeding your dog as a primary diet be nutritionally complete and balanced.

Some dog owners cook their dogs’ food at home. That can be a healthy alternative to kibble—but research has found that up to 95% of home-cooked recipes fail to meet all of a dog’s nutritional requirements. Without carefully balanced supplementation, home cooking may leave out important nutrients—and nutrient deficiency is a serious long-term health threat.  

If you cook at home, make sure you’re using recipes that provide the right nutrients in the correct ratios (The Farmer’s Dog is here for home cooks with our DIY Nutrient Mix). 

Fresh-food plans from the Farmer’s Dog have been formulated by vet nutritionists to be nutritionally balanced and complete, making it easier to give your dog the nourishment they need. Our human-grade food is also highly digestible—meaning your dog’s body is able to absorb the nutritional value of the food. 

Look for changes in appetite

Your dog may have lost interest in their food due to psychological issues like boredom, stress, or anxiety; an underlying physical illness; spoilage; or palatability issues (meaning they just don’t like the food).  

Consider any lifestyle changes your dog has undergone recently: have you moved? Is there separation anxiety? Did something traumatic happen? Speaking with a veterinarian can help get to the bottom of psychological issues and help you create a plan of action while also addressing any underlying health conditions. 

A lack of appetite may also come down to food spoilage. A dog’s sense of smell is much stronger than a human’s—so if your dog suddenly isn’t eating, it might be a sign that their food has gone bad or their dish has gotten dirty. Check food packaging for expiration dates, and be sure to keep your dog’s food and water bowls clean. If you’re feeding The Farmer’s Dog, make sure that your packs aren’t staying in the fridge for any longer than 4 days, or in the freezer for longer than 6 months.

A healthy weight can mean more years

The best way to achieve your dog’s ideal weight—and give them a better chance at more healthy years—is through consistency and patience. Healthy weight change takes time. 

Once you determine the reasons behind your dog’s weight gain or loss, a fresh food plan from The Farmer’s Dog can make it easier to help them thrive over the long run.

HiBeam Volumes 69-79


HiBeam is a weekly newsletter published by Beam Imagination that looks ahead at the future of technology, transportation, community, sustainability, and culture through a lens of positivity.

My tasks included curating articles and content to complement them (including photos, tweets, and videos), summarizing articles with concise copy, formatting the post on WordPress, creating social posts and scheduling them on Sprout.

HiBeam 69

HiBeam 70

Hibeam 71

Hibeam 72

Hibeam 73

Hibeam 74

Hibeam 75

Hibeam 76

Hibeam 77

Hibeam 78

Hibeam 79

Jessie B. Denney Tower Residents Bond During Community Meals


Jessie B. Denney Tower, a 10-story, low-rise brick building that sits steps from downtown Athens, is an affordable housing community that houses some of the most in-need Athens residents. The building is designated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the elderly and people above age 50 who have Social Security disability benefits. Denney Tower is also in a food insecure area, according to the USDA, which categorizes the area as “low income and low access” because the nearest grocery store is more than a mile away.

 Why It’s Newsworthy: “Food desert” and “food security” are buzzwords used to describe geographic accessibility to food, but the cost of healthy food is a bigger issue. One resident took matters into her own hands to prepare lunch for neighbors using donations. 

According to Marilyn Appleby, communications director and property manager at Athens Housing Authority, which owns Denney Tower, the majority of Denney residents have Social Security benefits on the low end. Before retiring and moving into Denney, “they worked physical plant jobs, textile mill jobs, things like that. They always worked, but they worked in lower-wage jobs.” Most residents receive about $650-$850 a month, and 30 percent goes toward rent, Appleby said. At Denney Tower, all utilities are covered, and cable is offered at a half-price discount.

Sometimes, local businesses, organizations or individuals provide donations and meals to the residents, such as the Northeast Georgia Food BankCampus Kitchen and American Lunch, a food truck operated by Five Bar Athens. Congregate meals are offered daily at local churches or at the Athens Community Council on Aging for $2-3 per meal. However, many Denney residents feel that a $3 meal every day is not financially feasible.

Prior to this past summer, Denney residents enjoyed socializing over Tuesday lunches of soup, bread, and tea from American Lunch. However, this past June, the truck stopped coming because it needed repairs and volunteers were scarce, Appleby said. Five Bar was unavailable for comment at the time of publication.

Although the truck was missed, its absence “created a social responsibility on the part of residents,” Appleby said. Barbara Morgan, a Denney resident of nine years, decided to informally pick up where the truck left off. Using donations from other residents, she cooks a weekly Tuesday meal to be shared with neighbors in the common area in the Denney Tower lobby.

“We look forward to Tuesdays,” Sherry Nesbitt said, a friend of Morgan’s.

A food insecure area is also commonly referred to as a food desert. “A food what?” Morgan said.

The CDC defines food deserts as: “areas that lack access to affordable fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk, and other foods that make up the full range of a healthy diet.”

Many of the residents of Denney don’t realize that the building is in such an area or don’t find the physical distance to be a barrier to eating healthfully. Morgan has a car, and other residents go shopping with family or use the bus. A bigger barrier to healthy eating is cost. Appleby said Denney residents realize canned foods are less nutritious than fresh produce, but want to stretch their limited incomes as far as possible.

The bottom line is when you’re watching your money, you’re not going to be doing things like buying fresh vegetables,” Appleby said.

In the meantime, American Lunch has fixed the truck and plans to resume service at Denney Tower on Oct. 2.

Originally Published on Grady Newsource

Not a Garden Variety Alumnus


Brandon Coker puts new plant breeds through their paces at the UGA Trial Gardens

Among those who tend the Trial Gardens on the University of Georgia Athens campus are butterflies, bees, student workers and Brandon Coker (BSA – Agriscience and Environmental Systems, ’11).

The Trial Gardens are internationally renowned for ornamental plant research. The data collected during the hot, humid Georgia summers help the world’s top plant breeders determine what plants make it to market. The garden also serves as a living laboratory for students and a place of relaxation for the public.

“Much of the state’s economy is reliant on research conducted by UGA’s agriculture programs,” Coker said.

Ornamental horticulture in Georgia is valued at more than $843 million, according to the 2016 Georgia Farm Gate Value Report, produced by the UGA Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development. Coker sees his work as part of a larger push to keep interest in an important industry alive and well.

Coker grew up in nearby Lexington, Georgia, and has had a lifelong love of plants. He helped tend his family’s home garden as a child. He was inspired by his high school science teacher, Joe Conti, another UGA alumnus.

“I just hoped my students would walk away from my class with an appreciation for the natural world,” Conti said.

In high school and throughout college, Coker worked for Lexington-based Goodness Grows nursery under Rick Berry, who is also the mayor of Lexington. There, Coker realized his passion for plants could be a career.

While working on an associate’s degree in agricultural science from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Coker gained experience on the UGA Tifton campus, where he worked with researcher and Professor John Ruter as a student worker. Now the director of the Trial Gardens, Ruter remembers his first impression of Coker as a hard worker with a positive attitude who “always greeted me with a smile, looked me in the eye and had a firm handshake,” he said.

Coker began working on his bachelor’s degree at UGA in 2009, transferring to the main campus in Athens, Georgia. After graduating, he was hired to manage a crew and work commercial properties for The Brickman Group, a landscaping company. He then went on to be a store manager for Pike Nurseries for six years.

When the position of Trial Gardens manager opened in late 2016, Ruter knew Coker was the right person for the job.

“I also knew that working a regular schedule at UGA would be better for Brandon and his family, which means a satisfied employee,” Ruter said.

Coker began managing the gardens in 2017. He’s only the third manager the gardens have had since opening in 1982. His favorite part of the job is being able to support his wife, Heather, and two girls, Lynly and Sabrina, while doing something he loves.

“I come to work happy and leave happy; everything I do revolves around my family,” he said.

Coker’s future plans involve pursuing his master’s degree and continuing to manage and improve the garden. But, “at the end of the day, I just want to grow plants,” he said.

This article was published in the Fall 2018 edition of Southscapes magazine.

Originally Published

Plogging Takes Athens By Storm


Trash and runners are a common sight on the streets of Athens on a nice day. What’s a combination of the two? Plogging, a Swedish trend that groups like Keep America Beautiful have used in campaigns to promote trash pickup. The word is a mutt of the Swedish phrase “plocka upp,” meaning “to pick up”, and jogging.

On their Thursday evening group run on March 22, 2018, Athens Running Company hosted a “plogging” run that started at their store and wound throughout the neighborhoods of Five Points for three to five miles. My classmates Jeanne Davis, Ashley Buda, and I approached Athens Running about hosting the run and they were just as curious about the turnout as we were. We solidified plans and showed up to the shop early to talk to the runners and set up.

As I chatted with runners about what they expected on the plog, I realized that none had heard of the official term “plogging” before. Several runners, including the shop’s owner, Mark Schroeder, had picked up trash on their runs before. Schroeder also mentioned that trash pickup was common amongst trail runners, but was relatively unheard of in track running. Several runners were skeptical, and didn’t want the pickup process to slow their pace, while some thought that walking groups would be more interested. But personally, I’m not convinced that the combination of “walking” and “plocka upp” would be as catchy. Plalking? Wakking? It’s all in a name.

I imagined that the route would be either a two “slightly littered” to a three “littered” on the Litter Index found on the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government’s “Keep Athens-Clarke County Beautiful” website. With at least 10 participants to spread the work out, there couldn’t be that much trash, I thought.

Schroeder gave a brief spiel about plogging and we passed out empty grocery bags to collect trash in, and then we were off! In short, I underestimated the challenge that running in culmination with litter pickup posed. Almost immediately, my shoes came untied, and I was winded. To make matters worse, I was already at the tail end of the group.

I’d been using interval training (1 minute spent running, one minute and 30 seconds spent walking) during the weeks prior to the plog, but my jogs had been few-and-far-between due to Georgia’s unpredictable March weather. I was ill-prepared for a steady three-mile run. To avoid plogging panic, I took as deep a breath as I could without my inhaler, tied my shoes and took my time while remembering that apparently “slow and steady wins the race.”

There was no trash left for me to pick up as I trailed the group in a breathless amble. All I could manage to find was a smashed coke can. I was dismayed at my personal failure to successfully plog, but also thrilled that the runners before me had managed to grab almost all of the trash on the route.

Eventually, I found Davis, who gave me a look of concern but also found it hilarious that I was walking 10 minutes behind the group while carrying my single flattened coke can and laughing hysterically at myself. I was happy to see her and promptly decided to ride the rest of the route in her car, while acting as navigator.

I did run the last block, partially so that the serious runners wouldn’t see that I gave up and judge me negatively. Post-run, I caught up over a beer with Schroeder and the others. Schroeder heard only positive feedback about the run, and could easily see trash pickup becoming a regular part of the casual Thursday runs, but would probably skip the trendy moniker.

Once all of the runners came back to the shop (some had already done a second run along the route shortly after I got back), we took a look at the trash picked up. Most of the plastic grocery bags were nearly bursting with trash! Schroeder and I each picked up the box of trash and estimated the weight to be about 20 pounds. The consensus from the runners was that plogging would be a good addition to their casual runs. Some runners even found themselves competing with their friends to see who could grab a piece of litter first.

As for myself, I’m going to add trash pickup into the walking portion of my interval jogs, and hopefully will be able to keep up with the group runs in a few months. If you’d like to start plogging, grab an empty grocery bag next time you head out for a jog!

The Athens Running Company hosts free weekly runs every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. which begins at their store in Five PointsParking is limited, so arrive a few minutes ahead of time if you’re planning on driving. More information can be found on their website: or on Facebook: @athensrun.

If you’d like to anonymously report a littering incident in Athens, please note:

  • The perpetrating car’s tag number and description
  • The time and date of the incident, and
  • The location of the incident

You can leave a message on the litter hotline at 706-613-3506. The perpetrator will then receive an educational letter from the Sherriff’s department.

More information about litter in Athens can be found on:

Farm-to-vase flowers making a splash in Georgia this Mother’s Day


Harvesting cut flowers from your own garden can be a rewarding, cost-effective way to treat your mom for Mother’s Day. But don’t worry if you don’t have your own flowers to cut.

More and more Georgians can find locally grown flowers for their mothers without growing them in their own gardens.

Nationwide, Americans will spend about $2.6 billion on flowers this Mother’s Day, according to the National Retail Federation. That money helps fuel the nation’s $4.37 billion floriculture industry and Georgia’s $843 million ornamental horticulture industry.

While cut flowers are still a relatively small part of the state’s ornamental horticulture industry, more and more local farmers are adding cut flowers to their farmers market stalls and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) orders. Georgia Grown, the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s agricultural products marketing program, lists more than 90 Georgia businesses that grow or market Georgia-grown flowers to the public.

Flower farms dot the landscape from the mountains to the coast and supply flower lovers directly or through local boutiques or fresh markets.

“Cut flowers are a perfect fit for most sunny gardens, and they seem to be getting more popular. People seem to like them more than before because one generates their own fresh, beautiful flowers, and they make great, casual gifts for friends and family,” said Paul Thomas, a horticulture professor at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

In Georgia, Mother’s Day and graduation season create the bulk of business for local flower farms.

Benefits of buying local

More consumers want to shrink their carbon footprints by buying what they need from local vendors and farmers.

Nearly 80 percent of cut flowers in the U.S. are imported and travel hundreds of miles in refrigerated planes, trains and trucks.

“It’s good to know that purchasing something like that comes with a huge environmental footprint,” said Steve O’Shea, who owns Comer, Georgia’s 3 Porch Farm with his wife, Mandy.

Rita Williams, who owns Candler County, Georgia’s WilMor Farms with her husband, Mike, explained that people purchase flowers from their farm because they can ask them questions about the chemicals used in the growing process, and they have the answers.

“We know what they (the flowers) haven’t been exposed to,” Rita Williams said.

Purchasing local flowers also supports the local economy and communities.

“It’s how we survive,” she added.

Rita Williams knows that the local flower market in Georgia is still in its early stages, but the market share for local flowers and community of flower producers across the state is growing.

She and Mike Williams started WilMor Farms in 2015 after they were inspired by 3 Porch Farm. They felt they could provide the same types of local, sustainable blooms to south Georgia as the O’Sheas provide in northeast Georgia. The Williamses also thought it would also be a great way to teach their four children about hard work and give them a closer connection the land.

Flowers in Georgia?

Blame it on the heat, the humidity or the insects, but Georgia has long had a reputation as inhospitable to cut flower production.

But that depends on what blooms you’re growing, said Jenna Moon, who started Winterville, Georgia’s Seeds and Stems Farm with her partner, Tom Bagby, in 2017.

You won’t see tulips and fist-size roses when you shop for locally grown flowers in Georgia. Farmers here offer a mix of classic, Southern garden flowers and native flowers, or blooms acclimated to Georgia’s heat and humidity.

Ranunculus, anemones and poppies are some of the star flowers cultivated here.

Native flowers and wildflowers also steal the show from time to time, Moon said. She brings native plants into the arrangements she sells at the West Broad Farmers Market in Athens, Georgia.

Not only are native flowers already acclimated to Georgia weather and provide a habitat for wildlife, they also “have a unique beauty that isn’t always found in cultivated varieties,” said Moon. In their Mother’s Day bouquets, they’ll use classic flowers, like daisies, interspersed with hellebores, black oats and nasturtium, which will also be in their salad mix.

Because they are operating on a farm-to-vase model, local flower farmers can only provide in-season blooms, but in Georgia, the season can stretch from late winter through the summer.

What do I look for now?

When it comes to trends, Rita Williams encouraged consumers to “use what they think is pretty” and not allow their creativity to be stifled or boxed in by trends seen on social media.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” she added.

3 Porch Farm uses “whatever is relevant and beautiful,” said Steve O’Shea. This Mother’s Day, their arrangements will include species like bachelor’s button, campanula, snapdragons, poppies and peonies mixed with seed pods, native grasses, vines and tendrils.

“An emerging trend has been to get away from customers requesting specific flowers and moving more toward color palettes utilizing local and seasonal flowers,” said Steve O’Shea.

To spruce up a basic bunch, Steve O’Shea suggested gathering wild materials with a few friends.

“It’s a lot of fun to get a few friends together, buy a bunch of local flowers each, and then go forage for bits and tendrils and grasses, bring it all back to the house and create arrangements together,” he said.

More information about WilMor Farms, 3 Porch Farm, and Seeds and Stems Farm can be found on their Facebook pages. For more information about where to purchase local flowers in Georgia, visit

Story originally published by UGA CAES Newswire.